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The 5 Apps James Bond Would Love to See On Your Phone

Do you know why Cyber Crime Happens

Do you know why Cyber Crime Happens

Imagine you’re a target in one of the James Bond movies. The Intelligence Agency just cannot the information they need, no matter what they do. The security around your office is good, because you’re a high-profile target, a prominent politician, let’s say. Try as they might, they can’t figure out a way to bug your office. Then Bond gets a great idea: Let’s spy on him via his cell phone – he has it on him at all times. And so they prepare a list of apps they could use to get the secret information they need.

Here’s their list:

In the real world, you don’t have to be a real high-profile target for someone to use one of these on you. It can simply be your spouse having doubts about your late work schedule. It’s always better to know what’s out there, rather than living in a bubble.


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