Hacker Group Isn’t Letting Donald Trump Off The Hook

Donald Trump

A hacking group which gained prominence in recent weeks after targeting the likes of the BBC are intent on inundating Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign website with DDoS-based attacks.

Speaking to Newsweek, hacking group New World Hackers aren’t too pleased with Trump’s alleged racism and views on foreign immigration that really came to the fore with his recent comments on temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country.

With this in mind, a DDoS attack launched by New World Hackers saw Trump’s personal website knocked offline for at least an hour. The incident comes soon after a previous attack by the same group who previously targeted Donald Trump’s campaign website at the turn of the new year.

In the aftermath of the most recent attack, New World Hackers revealed their plans for more impending attacks, with a public post on Twitter.

Trump attacks stopped for now. Tomorrow will be a hell of a day for Donald Trump. His fault for not getting the right protection. #NwHackers

— New World Hackers (@NewWorldHacking) January 12, 2016

The hacking group also followed up with screengrabs as proof while claiming responsibility for the attacks.

Major Attack http://Trump.com  is #TangoDown #NwHackers #Website #OFFLINE GET protection for that #Statistics

Speaking to Newsweek, the hackers added:

We do plan to keep attacking Trump. We do not have any other political targets at the moment.

Our message to Trump is: ‘get better protection, if you already have then check secure your [sic] email before we attack again.

Related article Donald Trump Campaign Website Suffers DDoS Attack

New World Hackers previously knocked Donald Trump’s campaign website in the early hours of January 2, 2016 not long after hactivist group Anonymous targeted Trump’s personal website Trump.com.

At the time, the attack consisted of a comprehensive hack of the website, replacing the home-page with a message in praise of New York-based The Daily Show host, Jon Stewart. This was before Donald Trump even announced his candidacy. Soon after Trump was firmly established as a Republican Presidential runner, Anonymous attacked his website again after his speech about temporarily banning Muslims from visiting the United States.

Image credit: Wikimedia.