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Best Practices and Recommendations for Firewall Rules

Best Practices and Recommendations for Firewall Rules

Best Practices and Recommendations for Firewall Rules

Firewall rules define the active component that decides what Internet traffic it will permit and what Internet traffic it will block. Essentially, it acts when it detects the given condition matched. Suppose that the Internet traffic matches the components of a rule. In such a situation, it will permit the traffic to connect to the network. Hence, it is crucial to weigh up the potential security risks when changing a firewall rule to circumvent future issues. Talking about the firewall rules, let’s see some recommendations for firewall rules to boost your solution’s effectiveness.


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Blocking Traffic by Default and Monitoring User Access

It is a good idea to block all traffic to the network by default. Considerably, you ought to offer access to certain known services to only some specific traffic. As a result, you gain commanding control over who has access to your network. Apart from this, you also can inhibit any security breaches from taking place.

Unquestionably, the first layer of protection against any security threat is the firewall. That is why you have to remain cautious about who should have access to alter the configuration. Ensuring that only authorized administrators can access to alter firewall configurations requires strict user permission control. Moreover, you have to have a mechanism to record any change in the log for compliance and audits that occurs vis-a-vis the configuration.

Documentation of Firewall Rules

Documentation of firewall rules is a must nowadays. The team working on your IT security should immediately explain each of your firewall rules’ intentions. It is only possible when there is a proper mechanism to document every development regarding the firewall rules. At a minimum level, you have to keep track of some of the data. For instance:

Maintenance of Firewall Rules

The nature of networks is wavering, meaning that it continuously gets changed by incorporating new users and devices. On top of that, new apps and services also get access to the network. The given situation flags the need to add new firewall rules for the regulation.

Sometimes, the old firewall rules also require to get thrown away. Ideally, it is good to organize a regular maintenance schedule to update the firewall rules.

Another approach to ensure that you follow your change methodology is employing an automation solution for configuration updates in the firewall. Besides, it forestalls errors in the firewall setup process. Knowing that 99% of firewall breaches occur due to configuration errors, mostly brought about by human error.

Simplification of the Process

It is recommended to keep the number and type of firewalls to the least possible size to manage them conveniently. Based on the risk factor, it is good to standardize your firewall policies. To achieve it, you can employ centralized management and monitoring tools. It is also essential to rest assured that you have appropriately trained and dedicated staff.

Remember, firewalls are still the gateways of your network, regardless of the emergence of new security technologies.

Use Routers to Control Some Traffic Blocking Activities

Another tactic to enhance your firewall performance is using routers to deal with a portion of the traffic-blocking activities. By doing this, you may take out some firewall rules and make throughput better for your system.

However, you have to scrutinize this approach with all network updates to ensure that it works as per your expectations.


Whenever apps do not work as per expectation, it is usually the firewalls that undergo suspicion. The assessment team takes up a great deal of time discussing and speculating whether the underlying source is the firewall. Hence, the firewall rules and practices mentioned above can help you develop a security mindset and a secured network.

You can consult us anytime in case of having concerns regarding the compliance or post-remediation assessment. Our competent team is always ready to make things easy for you.




Recommended practices for Firewall Rules

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10 Best Practices for Firewall Rules

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