
Simple Android Hack Leaves 95% Devices Vulnerable

Almost 1 billion Android devices are vulnerable to a simple hack that can hijack your device via an SMS. Learn more about it and how you can minimize the risk by reading the full security notice here.
Take a look at these top stories from our blog :

Simple Android Hack Leaves 95% Devices Vulnerable
Researchers have discovered a critical vulnerability that may affect nearly all Android devices including phones and tablets. The vulnerability in the Android operating system could potentially allow the attacker to take complete control of the phone, according to security researchers.

Hackers Disable ‘Smart’ Rifle and Change Its Target, Remotely
Hackers have devised the means to remotely hack a pair of ‘self-aiming smart rifles’ which run Linux and Android along with a Wi-Fi connection. The hack is so comprehensive that the rifle can be remotely disabled or choose a new target (!).

Hacking Causes Chrysler Recall of 1.4 Million Vehicles
Fiat Chrysler has announced a massive recall of 1.4 million vehicles that are vulnerable to a hack revealed by two security researchers. The hackers were able to remotely take control of the targeted Chrysler Jeep and the stunt made headlines around the world.

Brinks’ Secure Safe Can Be Hacked by a USB Stick
Significant vulnerabilities have been discovered in Brinks’ CompuSafe Galileo safes which could allow malicious operators to hack them at will and make away with the cash, according to security researchers.

How to Inform Your Customers of a Data Breach
An slide released from a secret NSA briefing shows nearly 700 locations of “every single successful computer intrusion” by state-sponsored Chinese hackers during a five-year period from 2009-14.

Researcher: Chrysler Vehicle Hack ‘Recall’ Potentially Damaging
A prominent security researcher has noted that the recent vehicle recall announced by Chrysler could potentially backfire, with hackers introducing a whole new series of threats and exploits through USB sticks similar to the ones dispatched by Chrysler to its customers.

Interesting Reading From Around the Web:

Russian Zero Day Hunter Has Android Stagefright Bugs Primed For One-Text Hacks
Joshua Drake, the Zimperium zLabs researcher who revealed a bunch of bugs in Google's Android this week allowing a single multimedia text to hack 950 million phones, could be a lot richer than he is right now - if he sold the bug to Zero-Day dealers.

Windows 10 Shares Your Wi-Fi With Contacts
Starting today, Microsoft is offering most Windows 7 and Windows 8 users a free upgrade to the software giant’s latest operating system — Windows 10. But there’s a very important security caveat that users should know about before transitioning to the new OS: Unless you opt out, Windows 10 will by default share your Wi-Fi network password with any contacts you may have listed in Outlook and Skype — and, with an opt-in, your Facebook friends.

Android Stagefright Flaw Puts Users at Risk
The San Francisco-based Zimperium Mobile Security warned that a flaw in the Android media library Stagefright has left 95% of an estimated 950 million Android-based mobile devices susceptible to remote code execution vulnerabilities.


Evan Saez, ACE

Evan Saez is a Network Security Analyst at LIFARS LLC, an international cybersecurity and digital forensics firm. His research and expertise are mainly focused on data mining, network analytics, threat detection, network intrusion, digital forensics, data breach response, and corporate network management. Evan worked on developing an in-house SIEM system called the Threat Intelligence and Monitoring System. Evan has also been involved in the development of the popular Jawfish pen-testing tool.

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Elite Russian Hackers: The Growing Threat

The Cold War as we knew it is long over, but tension remains between the United States and Russia. Some experts even go as far as to say that we are entering a new cyber Cold War. Their reasoning is that an increasingly high number of attacks on the United States originate from Russia. While many of these are carried out by highly organized criminal gangs, the most advanced and damaging (though not necessarily financially) attacks are state-sponsored.

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Taking a Page from Security Story Hijacking

The security space is white-hot in the news, due in large part to the steady surge of data breaches, confirmed (and unconfirmed) state-sponsored attacks and general curiosity about the future of hacking (see this week’s Jeep hacking experiment from Wired). This wave of interest in turn has created ample opportunities for B2B security companies to participate in relevant and timely discussions taking place in the news and to position themselves as experts in the field.

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