Phishing Targeting Instagram
Google Removes Instagram Phishing Apps After 1.5 Million Installs

Here is the weekly roundup :

Trump Campaign Advisor Engaged in Twitter Exchange with DNC Hackers
President Trump’s former campaign advisor Roger Stone, has admitted to having conversations with the perpetrator behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee.

CIA Blasts WikiLeaks for Publishing Breached Secret Documents
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has lambasted WikiLeaks, accusing the whistleblower organization of endangering the lives of Americans after releasing a trove of CIA hacking tools and secretive documents.

WikiLeaks: CIA Malware Turned iPhones, smart TVs into Hacking Devices
WikiLeaks has leaked a large trove of CIA documents and hacking tools that were supposedly used by the agency to compromise smartphones, computers and even IoT devices such as smart televisions, in what could be the largest CIA leak in history.

Pennsylvania Democrats Refuse to Pay Ransom After Cyberattack
A ransomware cyberattack targeting the computers and network of the Pennsylvania State Senate Democratic Caucus, after a server compromise, has led to an FBI investigation. The Senate Democrats have refused to pay the ransom.

FFIEC Risk Profile
The growing threat to cybersecurity has prompted the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) to develop a Cybersecurity Assessment Tool for banking institutions to assess their risks and cybersecurity readiness.

The US Air Force’s Updated Radar E-3G Planes Are ‘Highly Vulnerable’ to Hacking
The US Air Force’s fleet of E-3 Sentry radar plans, spanning 32 E-3s around the world that possess powerful radar and communication systems are due to get an upgrade from their decades-old computer systems. However, the update with modern computers leaves them vulnerable to hacking.


Kirk Nahra, partner of Wiley Rein LLP, discusses new administration and the change in cybersecurity regulations in a recent interview with LIFARS

Upcoming Events:

QuBit Conference | April 4-6 | Prague

Paul Kubler, LIFARS' Digital Forensics Examiner will be speaking on xDedic and International Crime.

Ondrej Krehel, CEO and founder at LIFARS will be moderating case studies from data breach matters.

More information

From Around the Web:

IRS Guides Taxpayers to Avoid Online Scammers

Internal Revenue Service calls on taxpayers to be extra vigilant about cybersecurity, especially during tax season.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Security

How do you need to think about business strategy and the impact of machine learning and AI?

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